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Writer's pictureMadison Neumann

Everything You Need for Your Wedding Detail Photos

Updated: Jun 25, 2024

You worked so hard to select all of the details of your wedding day, and your wedding detail photos are where they get their own moment to shine! Your photographer will often capture your detail photos right when they first arrive, which is typically when you're getting ready. Having them set aside ahead of time makes it easy to hand them over and let your photographer get to work while you enjoy your wedding morning. You can get this organized in the weeks leading up to your wedding day. Here is what I recommend including!
Wedding invitation detail flat lay photo featuring DIY wedding invitation suite of purple, green, and pink. Featuring vintage stamps, envelopes, a ring box, and florals. By Philly based photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Start with your invitations, and not just the invite itself, include all of the pieces of your invitation suite! This may include the invite, envelope, RSVP card, detail card, stamps, etc.

Then think of the details you're wearing - your veil, shoes, jewelry, tie, watch, cufflinks, etc.

Detail photo of wedding rings. Green and gold rings in a green velvet ring box in side of a glass and gold ring holder. Taken by philly wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Your rings (and your ring box if you've selected one!) I recommend coordinating with your photographer to have both rings where the details are happening, before being passed off to whoever is in charge of them for your wedding ceremony.

Wedding detail photo featuring pink wedding shoes, a ring box, engagement ring, feather, and loose wedding florals. Taken by Philadelphia wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Florals. Some florals you may want to include are your bouquet, boutonnière, etc. but something that goes a long way in your detail photos is having loose floral stems as well! This is something you have to request from your florist ahead of time, and they may or may not charge you for a small bundle of loose floral stems.
Another note on florals: if you'd like them included in your detail photos, make sure they are being delivered in time! A lot of times florals are being delivered closer to ceremony and by then it is too late to include them in your detail photos, which are often happening as soon as your photographer arrives for getting ready.

Grooms detail photo featuring grooms wedding shoes, vow booklet, cologne, tie, and wedding favor (golf ball at a country club wedding) Taken by philly wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Personal items like wedding morning letters, cards, and vow booklets.

Cosmetics. If you've selected any special perfumes, lipsticks, etc. these are great to include.

Wedding Dress photo taken at the getting ready space, Mushroom house at Terrain in Glen Mills, PA. The dress hangs in the doorway with the bride's bridal bouquet resting on a metal chair in front. Taken by PA wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Your wedding outfit - on a clean hanger. Your photographer will often take your wedding outfit for a photo of it's own before you get dressed. Make sure it's on a nice hanger, especially if you're picking up your outfit from the dry cleaners before your big day!

Wedding detail photo featuring whiskey, cigar, wedding florals, grooms tie, and grooms ring. Taken by NJ wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Alcohol, cigars, etc. Some wedding days include a toast of a special bottle of champagne, whiskey, or the smoking of a special cigar. These items can be a part of the story of your wedding day, and are therefore super fun and personal additions to your details.

Wedding detail photo taken outside of the reception space at Terrain in Glen Mills, PA. The brides silver shoes rest on a disco ball before their disco themed wedding. Taken by philly wedding photographer Madison Neumann Photography.

Decor pieces, favors, etc. (especially if they tie into the overall theme of your wedding day!) small decor pieces, favors, cocktail napkins, and more can really tie the overall vibe of your wedding day back into your detail photos.

Above all, remember your detail photos are all about the details of your wedding day. Include what you have, but don't sweat it if you aren't including some of the items of this list!

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